21st Century Burning Bushes Series

21st Century Burning Bushes series is about the incredible, the unusual, the wonderful, the miraculous as well as the strange, the terrifying, the surprising, the horrific, and the signs that are all around us - all amazing Burning Bushes. We have a choice - as non-Christians, Christians, or even congregations and churches. Will we turn aside and examine what these Burning Bushes mean? What are they saying, and how are they connected? Or will we retire in the comfort of the familiar - in our bubbles?

These Burning Bushes have been around for centuries - even millennia. Nevertheless, in the 21st century, their brightness and frequency are increasing. It is critical for us to be aware, prepared, and amazed. More importantly, we need to be operational: turn around and examine the implications and act accordingly. The Creator is speaking through these Burning Bushes. They all point to the nature and character of our Lord Jesus Christ. They are all pre-cursors to a final showdown.

Science and Scientism

We are living in what is called the fourth industrial revolution. It is the information age par excellence. Technology, especially digital technology and artificial intelligence, significantly influences nearly every part of modern life. One of the most recent AI initiatives that has succeeded beyond and above most expectations is OpenAI.